by Franz

Cool pics by our friend Franz ,look at his website ,he will be at the chopperkingz party 2020 !!

choppers from britanny

Cool pic of cool choppers of cool people !!!Welcome in Britanny !!

BLING'S CYCLES by Missi Shoemaker

Cool photos of the last Chopper build by Mister Bill Dodge Bling's Cycles ,photo by our friend Missi ! on the pics Bill and his bike and Mister Roadside Marty and his cool shovelhead !!

We were there ,for the first start !!!photos by us ,you can see the difference !!

New member

Welcome in the family Gabin aka Sancho ,he made his cool sportster with a softail frame ,and now new project ,a cool shovelhead !

The tennessee motorcycle and Music Revival #2

Choppers , great peoples ,and choppers again ,Bill Dodge "Bling Cycles" Organise THE PARTY and WOW this is the Party  !!

Randy and Kristi 

Jeff Cochran and Dan Starkey

DC Choppers

Madame Gloria Struck ,94 years old and still riding a harley,she start at 17 years old with a panhead !